Author Archives: Tina

January 7th, 2017

Friday nite and Saturday was a busy time out on the ice.  Quite a few fishermen showed up and many with 1/2 trucks and wheelhouses. They kept their speeds down when going out and it showed by the end of the day when I drove the ice roads.   There was very little cracking so that was good.  Wheelhouse owners need to realize how important that is especially when it so cold as it is.  Hopefully when they come of on Sunday they will do the same.

The bite was slower during the day from most reports, The barometer went sky high overnight and thru the morning, and that along with the traffic I’m sure had something to do with it.  By evening though I was hearing reports and getting pictures texted of some nice Walleye catches.  I’ll find out more today when most go home.

One thing I wasn’t too happy about is how close some of the  wheelhouse fishermen fish next to existing houses of our customers. When someone parks 30 feet from the front door of another fishermen and sets down and starts a generator definitely shows a lack of respect for the other fishermen. I don’t really care what the “rules” state in the DNR book, to do that is just not the right thing to do.

Keep a tight Line!    Eddy

February 4th, 2015

Today I moved a few more houses in shallow as the ones there overnight did pretty good with the Walleyes, both small and large.  Don’t know if it’s the full moon phase or the thicker cloudier ice in closer, but it’s working.

I’m sort of surprised that with the fishing being pretty good and the weather coming this weekend, more fishermen aren’t coming. Or at least it seems that way for now.  Superbowl weekend must have taken it’s toll….   🙂

We are going to try something the last week of February with the rentals.  Since we can leave them out overnite until March 2nd.  I’m going to pull some of them into shallow Northern areas for Perch and Pike.  With the big windows our deluxe houses have they will be idea to sit in and watch tip-ups and fish for Perch at the same time.  Spread the word and get some friends together and give it a try.  It could be alot of fun!!

Keep a Tight LIne!            Eddy

February 3rd, 2015

Tuesday we received a little snow out there, but the winds coming Wednesday I’m sure will move it around a little.  The weather change did make the bite better at least.

There were not many fishermen out there, but those that were did alright. We moved some houses in shallow and will probably move a couple more Wednesday after hearing how they did. The trick of it is to stay quiet when your in shallow and unfortunately some fishermen in rentals are far from being quiet when they are out there.

Ice conditions are good with 25 inches plus and in closer where we had slush under the ice earlier this winter some spots are as deep as 36″ or more.  So bring an extension and ice cleats this weekend!

Keep a Tight Line!
