December 27th,2016

Today we are going to start pulling the some of the smaller rentals and check ice conditions, and later in the week some of the larger houses if the ice depth permits. Yesterday we got some snow and a lot of wind about 2:00 p.m. the wind switched NW and blew 30 plus for the remainder of the day. When I went to check the wood boiler at 8:00p.m. it was still blowing.  This morning is is considerably less.  Hope it will be a good day.

Our plans for the week are to get some of the smaller houses out and watch the ice depths.  A couple cold nights with no snow out there will help the cold get to it and freeze.  I’m thinking that by the weekend we will be letting small vehicles out, (small cars, small SUV’s, basically 1/2 rated or smaller pickups, Wheelhouses pulled by ATV’s, not by trucks.)  With the no snow cover we will make ice faster in the evenings,but also the warm sunny days can get to it causing expansion and ridges.  But for now we’ll take the as much cold as we can get.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again…    Keep a Tight Line!
