February 16th, 2015

Sunday as fishermen checked in it was pretty obvious that over all it was a slow bite for most.  Some areas had a lot of Perch action, but most were small.  And the same with Walleyes.  Tullibee moved in to areas on the Graveyard and NW to the Banana and that was about the only action in those areas.  Friday, Saturday and Sunday were some of the highest barometer readings of this winter so far.

The bite frustrated some fishermen and others understood why.  And of course the blame always falls back to the resorter. For those that do that, they need to get their own portable or house and find their own spot to fish.  After all the years of doing this and knowing just about every good fishing spot to go to I just smile…….

Final preparation for the Lybacks/TWP Tournament is in the works and I’m hoping the weather will cooperate for next Saturday for ours, the”Perch Extravaganza” at Hunter’s Point, and the “Fishing for Ducks” Tournament sponsored by Ducks Unlimited at Garrison. It would be nice to end the season in a nice weekend.  Ours is full as we only have 150 contestants, but if you want to fish a tournament check the other two.  They have room I’m sure and they have good door prizes also.

Keep a Tight Line
