February 20th,2020

Last night the temps dropped to almost -20.  Hopefully this is the last of it for this winter.  This coming weekend the warm-up will be a welcome end to the Walleye season and give everyone an opportunity to get out there one last time for the Walleye.  It will make getting ready of houses to be removed alot easier for those out there.

Just reminders, If you have a permanent house here, whether on the ice or not. All charges must be paid in full this weekend. If you have a wheelhouse stored here, whether weekly or seasonally. Storage fees must be paid up by Feb. 23rd. If it is not going to be stored here this summer it must be removed from storage lot by the 23rd also.  We have taken inventory of those  back there and know who you are.

Last night I attended the Miile Lacs Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting last night. As a member I am disappointed that all that can be done again because of “Treaty Management” is kick the can down the road again and have a closure this summer at some point.  I’m tired of the same old excuses, and rehashing of hooking mortality, creel census methods, etc.   We should not have to be put in this position every year just because of “co-management”.  There is no “fairness” about any of it and personally I’m sick of it, and you should be too.  When our Deputy commissioner stands up and says the DNR is on our side, where is our Governor?  He chooses to attend the State of the Band address at the Casino and tells them what a good job they are doing with Mille lacs Lake. He is not representing the 5 million citizens of Minnesota by doing that in my opinion.  Don’t get me wrong I have the utmost respect for our DNR fisheries and the people that are there.  They are good people and good biologists. The blame goes to St. Paul and executive branch of the gov’t that ignores the majority of their citizens they are supposed to be representing.  Not a few lobbyists wishes..  remember that the next time you vote for Governor….

Keep a Tight Line!