February 3rd, 2020

I got the chance to stay in the office yesterday and talk to most fishermen about how they did. Most did pretty good. Most reports of catches were around 6 to 12 Walleye per house.  Quite a few “keepers” were caught also. Some areas did better at night, and some did better during midday. Overall I think the shallower water was better.

Everyone with wheelhouses that came out of our place complemented on what I started doing by having them call, get on the list, showing up before dark, and limiting the amount so there is no overcrowding.  And I am going to stick with it the rest of the season. It is much easier to keep track of what’s going on out there for us. Fishermen like the quiet in the evening instead of the constant traffic too.  I am sure with the colder weather our areas that had us restrict the weight of vehicles and wheelhouses will be in good enough shape by the end of the week that all restrictions will be gone.  The list will start tomorrow if you would like to get on it for the weekend, give us a call.

This week we will be plowing to more areas and cleaning up around permanents, moving rentals getting ready for the weekend.

Keep a Tight Line!      Eddy