November 16th, 2013

Finally got the webcam up and running after some problems With the DSL modem that were hard to find.  Now you will see when we get ice.  So far there was some ice that formed in the shallow bays earlier in the week, but not enough to even think about doing anything on.  Most has melted already.  It’s going to be awhile yet.

Work has been moving along with the houses and this week we are going to start on the trucks.  Most of the guys have gotten their deer and now it’s time to get going again. We are getting calls for reservations, so if you have a weekend in mind you might want to start planning it and get a house saved earlier instead of later.

I’m hoping the weather we are having will stay until Thanksgiving, and then turn cold and stay cold so maybe we can have a “normal” year out there this year.

Keep a tight line!!
