November 29th, 2014

Today I checked ice depths and found 10-12 inches of ice in the rough stuff which is in the first mile out form our shoreline.  Beyond that, I found a consistent 8-9 inches of ice where it started to smooth out  as far as two miles. From there I didn’t go any farther for now.
But from what I could see from there it looks like pretty good going……

The rest of the day was spent with the Jeep and the brush disc establishing a road to the “Graveyard” reef.  Tomorrow i will be heading out towards the “Banana” reef and getting a road thru the rough ice if it isn’t too windy and cold.  Right now I’m thinking we are going to stay away from the rough stuff within the 1st mile because of the slush under it.  Maybe in a week if we don’t have snow we’ll give the in-close areas a try. Usually the slush will dissipate and it will be easier to fish, but for now we are going to get out there away from it.

Today was my Dad’s birthday, (he passed away in 1984).  He would have been 94 years old if he was still here.  But today getting out there in his old Jeep, especially this early and doing the things i was doing, it felt like he would have been as excited as i was to be there this early…….pretty crazy i guess….I guess the timing of all this got to me…Hopefully it’s a good omen to a good winter!

Keep a Tight LIne!
