November 7th, 2019

It is definitely colder than normal the last week or so and it’s looking like it is going to stay around for awhile.  The bays are starting to freeze a little and it will start working out to the main lake in a week or so if this keeps up.  It looks like an early start, but after 40 plus years out there I’m not going to hold my breath. Many times in the past when it starts early, we actually get out later than if the cold would have held off till later November. It seems most always to warm up the first week in December or so and then snow. And then we fight thin ice.  But we will see.  You never know these days…

I would remind all the permanent skid house people to get up here in the next two weeks or so and get there house ready, (LP, heaters, stove, etc. ) all need to be checked out.  Plus the condition of skids, pulls and general appearance should be gone over.  We are not hunting on the land this year so you are welcome to come up during deer season.

Wheelhouse people that want to bring their houses early, call and let us know before you come up.  These days we are outside alot working on rentals or in the shop so leave a message and we will call you back.

Keep a Tight Line!
