Monthly Archives: March 2014

March 11th, 2014

Over the weekend and leading up to today fishermen didn’t too too bad out in the “Tullibee Hole” for Perch and Tullibee.  The warm up seemed to get something going.  there were some really nice sized jumbo Perch caught and the Tullibee were averaging 16-18 inches. However, not many as far as numbers for both Tullibee and Perch, but worth the trip anyways.

The warmer weather started things melting somewhat closer to shore but out 2 miles it was a little different.  And with the weather the way it is forecasted I think we will be open thru this coming weekend.  The main thing I have to do is clean up the slush on the driveway……I would like to see those that come an try from here on out to have FWD as there is areas where the snow has settled that you can get off the road easier, but I don’t want to see fishermen getting stuck.

Keep a Tight Line!!



March 8th, 2014

Today we had a few groups out and a couple are staying overnight in houses.  What reports I did here were of Perch,  Some keepers,but alot of 7-8 inch out there also.

The warmer weather coming will start the melting process over the next few days and with all the snow out there when it melts, here will be a lot of water.  We’ll let you know when it get too bad to go out.

Keep a Tight Line!


March 7th,2014 7:30 pm.

After getting home from the Marine shop tonite I went out and checked the roads after the strong south wind.  the “Tullibee Road” was in good shape and I spent time opening up spaces for wheelhouses and portables off the sides in that area.  It will be ready for those that want to come for the weekend. The “Bowl Road” was tougher as it went east – west and I opened it up for portable traffic, but no spots for wheelhouse’s.  But that is that way it will be for this weekend.   Next week is bringing warmer weather and with all the snow despite good ice there could be a lot of water out there. (maybe)??

Sunshine comes after the rain………..

Keep a Tight Line!!
