Author Archives: Tina

January 29th, 2015

Today the bite was ok considering the NW wind and rising barometer.  We finally got a taste of winter again.  Tonight the low is going to hit zero for the first time in about 3 weeks.  The day was spent getting rentals ready for the weekend.  This year with very little snow and alot of bare ice, keeping good snow for banking is an extra effort.  Yesterday we got rid of the wet snow around them and despite not getting some fresh stuff overnight.  The drier cold air crystallized the snow we had so when we re-banked them they will be warm and cozy for the weekend.

Today Cindy took our grand daughter Isabel and a friend out fishing after school and they had a great time catching Perch in 11 feet of water before dark.  it is so nice to see 7 year old’s and Gramma have a good day…

One of the things that is going to happen with the cold again and especially with little snow on the ice is we will be seeing alot of cracks showing up as it the ice cools off.  But with the ice thickness of 25 inches, most will be manageable.

With the weather changing I’m looking forward to a good weekend to be out there. but for those of you coming up, bring ice cleats!  The ice is probably the smoothest, and slippery as i have seen in a long time.

Keep a Tight Line!!     Eddy

January 28th, 2015

Not much to report for the bite today….not many out there.  Some Walleye action but mostly small. and small Perch was the extent of it.

We spent time moving rentals for the weekend. moving old banking away from houses that were staying and enjoying the last warm day for awhile.  Tonight we are supposed to be getting a “little” snow and a cold NW wind tomorrow. So we should end up with some new fresh snow for banking up the houses for the colder weekend. It’s been awhile……. 🙂

With the weather slowly changing back to winter again will actually be nice.  Hopefully we will see some snow as it is extremely slippery out there.  If you are coming up this weekend bring ice cleats.  As you will want them.

Keep a Tight Line!    Eddy

January 27th, 2015

Tuesday some nicer Walleyes were caught. Heard of some caught in the slot and the others were mostly too big.  They were caught in deep and in shallow.  Fishermen fishing deep noticed the Walleyes were full of lake shiner minnows and some fishermen seen schools of them on the edge of the mud areas.

The ice is getting very slippery with the warm weather and winds. It has melted some  on the top and smoothed things out.  It would be  wise for everyone to bring ice cleats if planning on coming up to the lake over the next few days.  Maybe if we can get some snow that will stick it would help, but for now bring cleats!

Keep a Tight Line!
