Author Archives: Tina

January 26th, 2015

Monday was a fairly quiet day on the lake.  We had three rentals and a few wheelhouses that stayed over the weekend thru the day.  Most reports were of pretty slow action.  Lots of small perch and those with cameras were watching Walleyes, but not catching. One weheelhouse went into Northern areas and caught a 39″ Pike.  That was the highlight of the day.

The ice is holding up well despite the warmer temps, but we are loosing snow out there. It sounds like one more day of melting then winter is slowly coming back. And I hope some snow comes with it.  With cold weather on warm ice on a lake this big, as the ice “shrinks” as it cools down we will be seeing cracks. But with the ice thickness at approx 25″ it should be manageable.

Keep a Tight Line!


January 25th, 2015

Today when fishermen were stopping on their way home I got a better idea of how it went over the weekend and there were mixed reports.  Some fishermen did pretty good and others not so.  Friday night was the best overall action.  Saturday when the sun came out it slowed down. Deeper water houses seen Walleyes on cameras, but could not get them to bite. In shallower spots some fishermen did well with keeper Perch. Saturday am before the sun came out some nice Walleyes were caught in very shallow water on Pope’s. So it goes to show they are not all deep.  There were more Walleyes caught in the slot this weekend compared to last and some fishermen said the overall size of the Perch they had caught were larger than earlier this year.

We really need some snow out there on the ice.  Saturday it was very slippery after Friday temps.  Ice cleats were a must if you were going to move around without slipping in most spots.  We sprinkled washed crushed rock around the steps and fronts of our rentals to help prevent tumbles and it helped alot.   Sounds like a few more warm days and then winter will return.  Maybe it will bring us some snow.

All in all is was a pretty good weekend.

Keep a Tight Line!    Eddy


January 24th,2015

Friday overnight some good fishing was had by fishermen in 27-31 feet of water on the transitions for Walleyes.  Most caught were under the slot but a I heard of a couple keepers, and some too big. In 16-20 feet in on spot, some wheelhouse customers caught and released big Walleyes all evening by what they said.  Saturday during the day it was fairly quite with mostly small Perch activity. With the no snow cover on the ice and sunlight, the day bite is pretty slow.

There were a few spearfishermen out our way Saturday, but didn’t hear much except one of them got an 11 lb 39″ Northern. Looked like a torpedo..Plus speared a 36″ 27lb Carp!  that you don’t hear of very often.

Sunday am. I will be in the office and talking to fishermen as they check-out and will get a better idea of how the weekend went and let you know.

Keep a Tight Line!!   Eddy