Category Archives: Fishing & Ice Report

January 19th, 2025

The winds subsided overnight, but the temperature dropped to the upper teens below zero. With what wind we had, the wind chills were in the -30 to -40 range. Either way, it was cold.

Over the weekend, the bite was sporadic. Most had small Perch activity, but more “keeper” Perch were in the mix than last week. Some areas in the evening had a lot of small Walleye action.  And some fishermen caught some very nice ones, although few and far between. Some 28″ Walleye were caught in 12′-16′ and some nice ones in 27′-32′ transitions. Many with cameras reported that the Walleyes were there, but it was challenging to get them to bite. With the high barometer and baitfish, the fishermen were fighting an uphill battle.

With the Holiday weekend, many are staying over tonight, and we will see how the bite goes.




January 18th, 2025

Yesterday, the NW wind picked up through the afternoon, and by dusk, it was blowing enough to loosen up what snow was out there and start drifting some. There were some visibility issues for a while, but that didn’t last long. This morning, when I went out at 4:00 a.m. to check the roads and driveways for rental arrival, things looked good, considering the amount of wind.

From the reports I received in the afternoon and early evening, the bite was slow, and the bulk of the catch was smalls. However, I did receive some nice pictures of over the slot Walleye,

Today, we will check our customers to ensure everyone is mobile. On a side note, it is time for some resorts to keep their customers in the areas they maintain and not send them to other areas maintained by other resorts.  It should be a common courtesy to ask their customers where they plan on fishing and inform them. We ask that in our office all the time. There is enough snow now, and roads have been established, so it shouldn’t be a problem from here on out.

Stay warm out there!




January 17th, 2025

The bite has been sporadic for the last couple of days, with better activity in the shallows in the evening. Perch activity has also been picking up through the warm-up.

This afternoon, a cold front will arrive with strong winds. NOAA forecasts 25-30 mph NW winds, with gusts to 40 mph, bringing in some of the coldest weather of the season. It is predicted to last into next week. Needless to say, it will make for an interesting weekend out there. With the warmer weather the last couple of days, the snow has settled some and hopefully will not drift too much.

Be Safe, and Have a Good Weekend!
