Category Archives: Fishing & Ice Report

January 14th, 2025

Yesterday, the bite was pretty slow with this high pressure. There was action, but mostly smalls. Some rentals were out overnight, and the best action there was shallow.

Time was spent clearing roads and moving rentals and permanents that were requested last weekend to get ahead for the weekend. Currently, the forecast doesn’t look like there is much snow. Seeing snow depths and drifts after the wind, we will not be plowing wheelhouse spots, as they will not be needed until we get more snow. Most drifting isn’t much over 8″-10″, and there are a lot of areas with very little. Rough shale ice areas acted like snow fences farther out in our gravel bars and caught a fair amount of snow.  Having chains if you are going “off-roading” in that area it might be a good idea to have them with.

Our weekend wheelhouse list has started. On weekends, we will limit the number of houses that go out of our access so everyone has some room and can be away from others. Wheelhouses will need to be out on the ice before dark and set up so it will be quiet for others out there. I do not let houses out after dark for that reason.

Permanents need to call 24 hours in advance for a driveway or other service for the weekend. On rentals: a person with the name James Gunter (405 area code) ,the number comes ups disconnected, has not confirmed their reservation for one of our deluxe rentals yet and needs to.  He or anyone that knows him reads this,he should call our office asap.

The weather forecast is for a warm-up throughout this week and a big cool-down starting Saturday through Monday, which more than likely will mean strong NW winds. Something to be aware of.

Keep a Tight Line!



January 13th, 2025

Overnight, those out reported that the bite was good, but small Walleye.  The cold and high barometer more than likely contributed to it.  Most of the slots and overs were from 14-20 feet in some areas to the 27-20 foot transitions.

Today, we will move some rentals to new spots and finish cleaning up the roads. We will only be plowing driveways for permanent customers when they are coming up.  So you will need to call 24 hours prior to arrival so we can schedule their driveway.

Our weekend wheelhouse list will start Tuesday morning. We limit the number of wheelhouses out of here. Combined with those that have seasonal passes and the weekenders, We want everyone to have some space out there in the areas we go to and not be crowded. If you sign up for the weekend, Fri-Sat-Sun, the cost will be $45.00 plus a $20.00 deposit you will get back when you leave on Sunday.  Then I know you’re off the ice, and I also get a fishing report. I also find out by those that drive-thru without stopping how many came out from a different resort and ended up in our areas. We will be limiting the list to 50 for this coming weekend.

Reminder: Rentals reserved for this coming weekend need to call and confirm their reservation today.

Keep a Tight Line!






January 12th, 2025

We received 4-5″ of snow overnight, and this morning at daybreak, the wind is starting to switch NW. By 9-10 am, it is going to be blowing enough to where the drifting will start.  If you are out of our place in a rental, permanent, or a wheelhouse customer of ours and want to get in while it’s easy, I would suggest doing it now!  If it becomes a whiteout, which it might, it could be more difficult to get off the lake due to visibility problems and drifting off the main roads.

11:00 a.m.  The winds have picked up some, but there has been minimal drifting. By mid-afternoon, winds will be in the 25mph range, so we’ll see what happens then. It seems like there was a little bit of sleet overnight with the snow, and it is holding back some of the drifting. We have been out and working on the main roads to the halfway point so fishermen can easily get in.

Many mixed reports as fishermen were checking out.   Some slot Walleyes and a few over but none over 26″  many had small Perch and Walleye action and those with cameras were seeing nice size Walleye. But all seemed pretty happy anyways.
