Category Archives: Fishing & Ice Report

December 26th, 2024

With the above-freezing temps and some rain coming this weekend, we will limit what is going out on the ice for the next few days until the weather starts cooling down.  Single axle wheelhouses pulled by a vehicle under 5000 curb weight, Single vehicles with portables under 5000lb curb weight, and single vehicles under 5000 curb weight to permanents that are out there now and rentals.

The next 3-4 days of above freezing temperatures at night and day mean that any cracks that develop from shifting ice will not freeze and heal. As it warms, the ice will move; that is a given. For that reason, I will not be pulling any more permanents out until it turns colder. By Monday night/Tuesday, temperatures will be dropping below freezing, and I will resume pulling.

The bite has been mainly at night for the slot Walleyes. Daytime Perch are almost everywhere and are mostly small, but you can get some 10″ plus in the catch.

Hoping all had a Merry Christmas!



December 24th, 2024

Yesterday, the bite was slow for most. There were many small Perch and Walleye, but not much for “keepers.” Fishermen didn’t stop and report their catches, so I will presume it was slow. Rentals overnight also didn’t have much action after dark; they reported when they came off the lake this morning.

After Christmas, when we open on Thursday, we will continue with single-axle wheelhouses pulled with 1/2 tons, vehicle traffic under 6000 lbs, curb weight with portables, and houses on the ice. After we see how much rain and how warm it gets, we will make changes and go from there.  I hope it won’t affect things too much, but we’ll see.  We need cold weather after that.

We will be closing this afternoon for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We will reopen on Thursday, December 26th, 2024

Merry Christmas!


December 23rd, 2024

Fishermen out on the ice yesterday were busy with Perch and small Walleye. I received pictures of slot Walleye from a few anglers late afternoon and early evening.  From reports this morning, it was pretty quiet overnight.

Checking the ice in close, we are good with 14″ plus the first 1/2 mile, but beyond that, it drops to 12-13″. We are letting a half-ton truck with single-axle wheelhouses out in the closer area, and fishermen with portables can drive on all roads with a vehicle under 6000lb curb weight for now.  That might change depending on the weather and possible rain this weekend, so keep watching the report or call the office Thursday-Friday to check.

Permanents on the pull list who want to go further in the thinner ice areas will need to call the office. I will hold off on pulling out until after the warm weather and possible rain passes this weekend.

Our office will be closed on Christmas Eve afternoon and Christmas Day. We will reopen on Thursday, December 26th, at 7:00 a.m.
