Today I put the finishing touches on the approach to the lake, and cleared the parking area along our driveway for ATV/Snowmobile portable fishermen so it the ground would freeze good for parking this coming weekend.
Tonight as we left the shop the clear sky and full moon signaled another cold night which will be good for the ice. We ended up with about 2-3″ of snow out this last round and it really shouldn’t affect the freezing too much.
My goal tomorrow is to get out in front and hopefully smooth out some of the rough ice the first 50 yards so when the strong west winds come Wednesday it won’t trap snow along the shoreline. not sure if there is enough ice yet for the Jeep, but I will check in the morning. i haven’t checked since Saturday morning, but I’m thinking I will find 5-7″, so it might be the ATV and plow instead of the Jeep.
I’m hoping that I will have some roads started for the weekend with the Jeep for ATV /Snowmobile fishermen. There will not probably be any small rentals houses pulled , but we’ll see how the weather looks, At least things will be started. I will keep you informed on this blog every evening. If you are like I am, this is always the most exciting time…just to get out there is fun..
Some of the first trips in my Dad’s old Jeep out there on thin ice reminds me of the chances he took and now I do to see the first few dollars come into the till. But it’s part of the game…In my father’s time he pushed it many of times just because he had to support his family. Cindy and I still need it to make the bills… but I’m a little more cautious now…it’s not so easy to jump out of the Jeep anymore… 🙂 The weather guys are forecasting a pretty big snow fall this weekend, but I’m hoping that the cold weather we are suppose to get will keep the big amounts south of us like the the last weekends storm. If we miss it that it wouldn’t hurt my feelings a bit…. 🙂
Keep a Tight Line! Eddy