December 17th, 2019

Yesterday I checked ice on the areas we had packed with snowmobiles. There was definitely an improvement and it was more consistent.  Ice depths ranged in those areas were from 8-10″ to as much as 14″.  Sounds good, but on the average 1/3rd of it is “slush ice” which is not very strong.  Out in the open snow I  found areas of slush, double layered ice varying anywhere from 5-6″ to 12″.  And the farther out you go the thinner it is.    So there is a long way to go, and with warmer weather forecast, I’m hoping it gets warm enough to melt and settle the snow so when it does get cold again it will go thru it and start making ice.  The snow just needs to stay away..

There was no one fishing out of here yesterday so nothing to report.  But they always bite good on Mondays…..   🙂    We will stay the same with snowmobiles, ATV’s with tracks, walking with portables for today and starting Wednesday ATV’s with chains should be able to maneuver around out there with out too much trouble.  We have plenty of parking for rigs with trailers along our driveway in the field, and “walkers” can park upfront.

I’m hoping to establish roads to some degree to Popes, Gull and North Twin by the weekend with my Land Cruiser to make getting to and from a little easier for all.  Going to give it one more cold night though.

Keep a Tight Line!!
