December 17th, 2022

Yesterday we had  some fishermen out reopening. They did pretty good with nice Perch and some smaller Walleye out on the Graveyard Reef.  They went out on an ATV and portables.

We staked more of what will be our roads eventually and checked ice along the way. Once you get past the ice piles that run east/west across from Otto’s Point, North Twin, North of Gull reef and Pope’s,  The ice between 8-9 inches.  Everywhere we drilled about an inch of water came up above the ice. So it will be sloppy until things freeze up the next few days.  The average snow depth was about 7 inches so the cold should go thru it, especially where it is packed down.

This coming week the temps are going to drop and it sounds like there could be strong NW winds next Thursday/Friday, so we will be making some ice.  If things freeze up like I’m expecting we’ll get out there pretty soon.

We have plenty of room for parking of truck/trailers and wheelhouse campers if you would like to come up and portable.

Be Safe out there!
