December 18th, 2019

More checking of ice yesterday.  The last couple days the colder weather has helped with some of the slush on top under the snow in spots and the double layered ice is beginning to firm up some. But there is still a long way to go before we really get going.  There is still spots where I found 5-6 inches of ice under the snow.

I will be working on what will become our roads today so ATV’s and walking portable fishermen will have easier going to and from their fishing spots this weekend.  There ice where we packed the trails has improved enough to get out with Cruiser and do some plowing, and that will be today’s project.

I suspect with the weather warming up the bite will be pretty good this weekend. With the areas we can get to it will be early morning and late afternoon bites. those staying out late in portables should do well also.  Remember bring a chisel to check ice and also to help clear slush from some spots where there is slush under the ice.  It is improving, but some areas still have it.

Keep a Tight Line!
