Yesterday I spent most of the time on the ice plowing with the Cruiser. I established a road to Popes, but did not run the east edge like I normally would. That will have to freeze up a little better first. The cold temps overnight got thru to the ice as some cracks were starting to show up and flooding in those areas prevented anything to be done in those areas. Today i will be working on the road to the east side of Gull.
Three groups of fishermen were out yesterday, but I did not get any reports from them. It would be nice when we give them a map, with numbers to call or text that they could let us know how they did.
With this warmer weather coming it’s looking like there will be no “Christmas Week” for us this year. It will remain portables only for some time yet. Maybe the warmer weather will settle down the snow some so when it gets cold again the cold will get thru it and speed up the freezing process. lets all hope we don’t get another big snowstorm before…
For now it will be walking, ATV’s with chains, (tracks preferred) ,snowmobiles with portables. (NO single axle wheelhouses with ATV’s) We have plenty of parking for rigs and wheelhouse camping in our lot on the field along our entrance.
Keep a Tight Line!