December 20th, 2019

Yesterday I establishes roads to east and west sides of Gull Reef with The Jeep. In rechecking ice we still found spots off the sides of where we had packed down with snowmobile that were only 3-5″ thick with no ice below it. Where we packed it was 9-12″.  Most ice depths we found under the snow where it wasn’t flooded were 6-8″ out on what I call the new ice,  but all it takes is to go over that one spot of thin ice and the rest won’t matter. …..  So the ice is far from good enough to travel all around in my opinion.

Yesterdays anglers had mixed results.  One angler C/R 4 Walleye, all under, and had some Perch action.  Another some Perch and three that reported nothing.  Two groups were still out when we closed and I did not hear from them.  One group that was out late just sent some pictures of nice ones in 15′ of water as I was editing this.

With the warmer weather coming It will be nice for portable fisherman to be out and enjoy. Even though it’s not ice making weather, the plus side is that it could settle and compact the snow so the cold will go thru it easier when it comes back.  hopefully there will be no major snow before the cold.

I will be working on the road to SW of Spider Island and to North Twin Island today.  There is the “normal” crack running across (East/West)  north of Pope’s, Gull, Spider, North Twin and headed across to Otto’s Point and this warm weather will most likely turn it into a “pressure ridge” the next couple days as the weather warms up.  We will not be crossing it and going out farther until the colder weather returns.

We will be snowmobiling,( best option) ATV’s, (with tracks/or chains), walking, with portables until after Christmas.  We will see how things look then.  We have plenty of parking for rigs with trailers, and wheelhouses if they want to camp overnite. in our lot along the driveway.

Merry Christmas!   Keep a Tight Line!!
