December 23rd, 2019

Yesterday I spent some time on the ice widening some of the established roads I had started earlier.  The above freezing temps was definitely settling the snow some.

We had about 10 groups out and reports were mixed, but most had pretty good luck. Either way it was a really nice day to be out.  But not so good in the ice making department.  It’s holding it’s own, but definitely not making more with these temps.

After watching seeing the 14 day forecast I have decided to not pull houses after Christmas like I had planned earlier.   We will not have rental houses out for the weekend after Christmas and Cindy will be calling the customers affected starting this morning.  Plain and simple…. there is just not enough ice, and with the warm temperatures I will not take the chance of someone getting in trouble. I would really have liked to have them out for the added income, but it’s not worth having something happen.

So we will continue with portables, ATV’s, snowmobiles and walking until I see colder weather coming.  We have plenty of room for parking rigs and wheelhouses if you want to “camp” and portable.  I will continue working on roads with the Jeep and Land Cruiser.   We have what will be roads staked to the Graveyard, Banana, Tundra areas and will be accessible by snowmobile for now and ATV later when I get them plowed.  We’ll see how it goes…

Merry Christmas and Keep a Tight Line!
