December 26th, 2019

Yesterday we had 2 groups of portable fishermen out, but we were closed for Christmas when they left so we did not get a report.

I spent some time widening a couple roads I had already started in prep for colder weather.  In checking the ice depths there has been no improvement. We have anywhere from 7″ to 14″ inches of ice. the thicker ice is layered “slush ice”.  Once getting out from shore about 1/2 mile the ice is more consistent and stronger.  Average depth I found out there was 8-10″.  So we are on the edge, but with the warm weather we’ve been having I’m not going to push it.

After watching the weather forecast for the weekend up here it sounds like we are on the edge of what could be a big snowstorm.  I’m hoping that we are on the warmer side of it, and see little if any snow.  A big snowfall on what ice we have could be a setback for getting out there with houses.

It’s looking that we will finally see some below zero temps around January 5th.  We will need some of that weather to firm things up out there to get going.  We will continue with ATV’s, snowmobiles and portables until after the weekend and then we’ll see how things look.

Keep a Tight Line!!    Eddy