This morning after yesterday rain and strong east winds, the winds haves shifted west and are blowing pretty good with light snow falling. We ended up pretty good from what I can see by looking out there. The rain took the major of what snow we had so portable traffic will be ATV only and EVERYONE coming up had better bring ice cleats….
When the wind dies later today or early tomorrow we are going to start pulling some of our smaller rentals and smaller private houses if they want to come for the weekend with an ATV. I am not going to let vehicle traffic out until I see more ice. Colder temps would change that very quickly if we get some. Small (12foot in length or smaller) single axle wheel houses and ATV’s with chains are good to go now. Most ice depths out there where we are going so far are 10-11″ so we are getting closer. A few cold days and we will be going….