December 28th, 2019

Yesterday we had about 15 groups of anglers out.  What report I heard were mixed from not much to as many as 10  Walleyes.  a 27″ was C/R SW of Spider in 13 feet.

I was going to plow out to the Banana Reef, but double checking the path I was to take I found 5 spots of slush in a 1/2 mile stretch and there was only 8″ of ice under it.  I took the Bombi out and packed the road in that area and pulled the groomer so it will freeze when colder weather comes.  Beyond that stretch the ice has less snow and is and inch or two thicker on the average.  Just not enough ice for me to get out there with the bigger trucks.

We are going to wait out this storm approaching and hope we stay on the warmer side of it and don’t see much, if any snow. The temperatures after are a little colder, but still no below zero temps in sight for awhile.  Hopefully the colder air in Alaska makes it down here soon.

I have roads established to the Graveyard Reef, SW of Spider, East and West sides of Gull and Popes Point.  If we don’t get too much snow I’ll be out there opening them up again when the wind is over. It will still be ATV, snowmobiles, and portables until we have more ice. We have plenty of parking for trailer rigs and wheelhouse campers in our lot along the driveway. Walkers can park up by the office.

Keep a Tight Line!    Eddy