Yesterday despite the weather we had about 10 groups of portable anglers that went out. From noon to dark the snow was so heavy at times you couldn’t see 100 yards. We ended up with about 3 inches. By dark it had warmed up and turned to rain. This morning so far it still is raining off and on. Fishing reports were pretty good from those that reported. Most Walleye caught were under the slot. Heard of two “keepers” and numerous overs C/R.
Today we are just going to sit this storm out. Right now are in the “quiet” part of the storm and the winds and snow are supposed to switch and pickup again tonight and thru tomorrow. Fortunately for us we are forecasted to get maybe 3-6″ of snow. But 30 mph NW winds are coming with it so it will be a whiteout for awhile. At least the only snow blowing around will be the new stuff. What is on the ice now is so wet it will freeze. With only 8-12 inches of ice I’m glad we do not have any houses out there right now. 3″ of snow with 30 mph winds would put drifts large enough around houses that there would definitely be some major flooding problems,
We are supposed to get a colder day or two this week after this, but that is not going to be enough to make the difference. After next weekend we are going into a stretch of cold that could get us going the right direction again. Its going to take awhile to get the ice cold enough to make more. Until then we wait.
We will continue to work on establishing roads after this storm, continue with portable fishing until I see the spots that are only 8- 9 inches getting thicker.
Keep a Tight Line!! Eddy