The wind is still blowing as of this morning. Temperature has dropped to 17 degrees this morning so it is starting to get colder, but not enough to freeze up the slush and water on the roads. So we will remain closed for ATV, Snowmobile traffic until next year. (tomorrow) 🙂 Hopefully one more day will make the difference. Colder weather is in the 14 day forecast so conditions will be improving as long as the snow stays away.
I’ve been working in the storage lot clearing the snow/slush so it will be easier to pull houses when the time comes, and will have the parking areas ready for rigs with trailers and wheelhouses for camping starting tomorrow for over the weekend.
It is our hope that the cold will heal things up and add to the ice depth where we can get things started to some degree during next week sometime. For this weekend we will remain portables, ATV’s, side by sides, snowmobiles, and walkers.
Cindy and I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
6:00 pm update for those looking. After being on the ice today with snowmobile and checking snow depths. Almost everywhere I went the rain we had soaked thru the snow and the first couple inches was wet. Snow depths ranged from 4-8 inches with slush. The roads I had plowed were freezing up well and I don’ see a problem there. Tomorrow we will be packing the roads we have planned with the Bombi so they freeze quicker. ATV’s might not be the best option. if you have snowmobile or ATV’s with tracks I would strongly recommend that for thru this weekend. Also keep in mind that until that water on top of the ice freezes, we will not be making any more ice underneath it. We NEED colder weather.