Yesterday I went out on the ice about 400 yards and checked depths and slush conditions. The first 150 feet had 12″ plus of snow with slush that was not freezing. Once getting out farther the flooding was starting to freeze and ice depth varied from 8″ to as much as 12″ The top 3-6″ was “slush” ice which is not very strong, but nevertheless it’s ice instead of slush. If we don’t get too much snow up here on Monday, the colder weather forecast after that will get us going on schedule again. 🙂
Still working on getting the parking areas ready for portable traffic and wheelhouse camping, and when we check the ice a little more today farther out we will decide to open or not for the weekend and potable fishermen. I will let you know tonight or at the latest tomorrow morning so you can plan.
Keep a Tight Line!! Eddy
5:20 pm update: Was out to Pope’s and Gull reef today with snowmobiles, found ice depth from as little as 5″ to as much a 13″, with a lot of it around 8-9″. Where there was thin ice there was slush, where there was thicker, it had been flooded and refroze on top. Basically all the new ice that was there before the second snow on Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend was about 4-5″. As of now we are holding off, but planning on doing more checking tomorrow, (and it will be colder..). Got the parking area ready so we are planning to be going on Saturday for portables in limited areas. Probably walking and snowmobiles or ATV’s with tracks.. Watch the report tomorrow evening…