December 9th,2019

Sunday we had about 10 groups of fishermen go out.  3/4 of them had been there Saturday and did well and came back.  That is a good sign.  the majority of the catch was in the 15-18″ range and a few of slot Walleyes were kept.  No reports or pictures were sent to me of “big ones”, however there were reports of some C/R in the 24-25″ range.  What reports I heard of Perch were that they were mostly too small to keep.

I managed to get roads out the first 200 yards thru the old ice. The big area I had packed down in front at the landing  froze enough finally so I could clear it off.  I always like to keep the area in front cleared off so we always have good ice to get on and prevent the normal shoreline flooding.  Where I was plowing was 8-10″ ice depth.

Last evening we received 2-4″ of snow, (not really sure yet if that will be our total).  And as I write this a 5:30 am the NW wind is picking up, so I will probably stay of the ice today. My goal for this week if the ice depth permits, and we don’t get too much snow for the Land Cruiser to plow is to get what will be the main roads started going out farther.  We’ll see how it looks later today after the wind dies down.

Keep a Tight Line!     Eddy