Yesterday we moved four rentals and cleaned up more roads in prep for the weekend and more snow today. Overnight we received about 2-3 inches and now a 9.45 am as I write this it looks like its letting up. The wind is supposed to switch NW so we will see how much it drifts. The rest of the week is starting to look pretty good with only scattered flurries. So we are hoping for a good weekend.
Yesterday’s fishermen had mixed reports, a rental that had been doing well was very quite, most likely due to Northern Pike in the area. One angler C/R two 40″ Pike in the same area that morning. Some anglers in 18′ on the Banana did well with big Walleye, one over 28.5″
Wheelhouse weekly storage customers…If you think you will want a spot plowed for the weekend, you need to let us know by Wednesday end of business day. It will be busy times getting roads, rentals and permanent driveways, and I want to get a jump on it this week if possible so we don’t have a jam-up like last Friday.
Keep a Tight Line! Eddy