February 15th, 2024

We had no one on the lake overnight last evening, so there is nothing to report. There were a couple of portable fishermen out, but I have yet to hear from them.

We checked the ice in the thinnest stretch that we have to cross to get out (that most of you already know about from my posts, and is now approximately 15″.  With that, we will be letting vehicles out that have a curb weight of 6000lb or less to the rentals and portable fishermen starting tomorrow. Most of the ice in the other areas we have staked roads to are 16″-17″.   Single axle wheelhouses will need to be pulled by ATV, UTV, or SxS as of now for the weekend.  But with the next couple nights of colder weather that might change. We will measure the ice tomorrow and decide from there.

We missed the snow that I was hoping to get for banking and possibly pulled a few permanents that would have wanted to try the last weekend. but we didn’t get it.  I’m not going to pull houses through the gravel from the lot to the lake and back. If we had received some snow it might have been an option.  But with no snow, it’s not worth the wear and tear on runners for one weekend.

We have plenty of parking for portables that do not want to drive and camping for Tandem wheelhouses for the weekend for those that want to.  Permanents that want to stay in their houses on shore and portable are welcome also.

Keep a Tight LIne!
