February 26th, 2020

Today we finished cleaning up and prepping rentals for summer storage. Reset the ramps for the “Tullibee Road” so there is access out there again.  We will stay open with access to to Northern Pike areas and the “Tullibee Hole”as the weather permits it.

For those interested I’ve attached some information from Mille Lacs County about the attempt by the Mille Lacs Band to overturn legal decisions made in 1864 and in the Nelson Act of 1890-91 that diminished the 1855 Treaty and the boundaries established by it. Governor Walz’s and AG Keith Ellison’s opinions are just that.  Opinions only.  What they are saying/trying to do is get the State of Minnesota to abandon Mille Lacs County and it’s taxpayers and make them pay ALL the fees to fight a case that shouldn’t even be tried.  In so many words, “financially starve” Mille Lacs County so the Bands get what they want by forfeiture, because they can’t win the case in court.  So now you know how State Gov’t works in Minnesota.  Just abandon the rights of it’s citizens for lobbyists money….think about who you vote for next time…

If interested, please share this with your friends.      Eddy