Yesterday and overnight, there were mixed reports from those out there. Some did not have too much action and some C/R over the slot Walleye. With the weather changes coming, the bite will improve over time. We have been moving some rentals into new areas and will see what happens.
We still have two 4-person deluxe houses and two 2-person deluxe houses available this coming weekend. Permanents should call 24 hours in advance for services or arrivals.
The ice is in good shape, with well over 20″ in most places. There are no cracks or pressure ridges in the areas we go to. Wheelhouses coming for the weekend should call and get on our list. In most cases, there will be no need to plow spots. There are drifts out there, and they are hard, but there are also a lot of open areas. It would be good to have chains, just in case. We will focus on the main roads and driveways this coming weekend.
Keep a Tight Line!