January 7th, 2020

The reports from most coming off the lake last evening was that the bite was slow.  One portable group came and covered alot of spots throughout the day and reported by mid-afternoon it was slow.  But there were some good reports of keepers caught also. So it’s called fishing…

I pulled more private houses out yesterday with the Land Cruiser and will continue today . Customers will be notified when they hit the ice.  Our weight limits will remain at 4500-5000lbs. for vehicles and/or wheelhouses. It will remain that way until we get colder temps and more ice.  (Check yesterdays report for a map of what areas I have roads to.)

There is plenty of room for wheelhouse camping in our lot and the heavier houses that are not going to make it out yet can stay overnight in if they wish until they get on the ice. Right now the only good thing this warm weather is for is portable fishing.

Keep a Tight Line!     Eddy