Yesterday was spent packing down all the trails, which will eventually become roads with snowmobiles. With the amount of snow on the ice it is the only way to get the cold to go thru and freeze. Unfortunately that is where we are at right now.
This weekend will be snowmobiles, ATV’s with tracks and walking only with portables. Walking should be pretty good with the packed roads. Gull Reef, Popes Point, and southwest of Spider Island to North twin will be fish-able waters. Where we stopped the trails there are “Thin Ice” signs encouraging no travel beyond. We checked out father and the ice is just too sketchy with flooded spots, thin areas, etc. to go any father for now. So we won’t and you shouldn’t either.
We will have plenty of parking for vehicles with trailers and wheelhouses,if they want to camp out overnight in our field along the driveway. I’m plowing out the storage lot again too for permanent house owners if they want to come up and portable and stay over also. Those walking can park up front by the lake until spots are full. Office opens at 7:00 am and access will not be allowed until then.
Last weekend most did pretty good fishing wise and I’m thinking this weekend will be the same, just a little colder. Make sure you bring a chisel along with other gear as some areas, (not all) have slush ice under the existing and a chisel helps clear it. I’m hoping by the week following things will start to improve ice-wise. But if we continue getting snow I’m not sure how long it will be before we get rolling. Until then we are doing the best we can.
Keep a Tight Line!! Eddy