December 6th, 2018

Yesterday I worked on the approach to the lake and have it finished. The next couple days will help the ice with the cooler weather coming and maybe we will finally see some sunshine up up here. that would be nice.

We are gearing up for what I’m hoping to be a pretty busy weekend with portable anglers. Small ATV’s will be good for now and I’m going to wait top see how much ice we have out there tomorrow before we let anything bigger go out.  As of yesterday we have 8″ in the areas we are going. We have plenty of parking for Wheelhouse rigs to camp over the weekend and portable if you would like.   Just call and let us know.

5:00 pm update….Checked more ice today and we will let ATV’s with small trailers with gear, small single axle wheelhouses, (under twelve feet long that can be easily pulled by an ATV). Ice depths should be 9″- 9-1/2″ by tomorrow with the sub zero temps tonite.  We have marked where we are going and cones will be up where the end of the trails are and we do not want anyone going beyond that. Everyone will get a map when they arrive and check in.  Otherwise pull the big one up and camp in our field and portable from there.

Keep a Tight Line!
