January 29, 2014

Today we moved some houses up on the rocks and will be moving some shallower tomorrow. deeper houses were just not as good as shallower the last week.  So we are going to make some moves.

Some of you private house owners, plan on maybe getting your house ready to move after the weekend.  As I am plowing driveways I’m going to take note of amounts of snow around it will let the office know Friday and we will go from there.

The weather really made a change today and warmed up.  And with it came a very strong south wind that slowed down at dusk.  Sounds like we are going to get a dusting of snow in the am, but it looks like a pretty nice weekend coming with some stable weather for awhile.  That will be nice……..

Also because of DNR permitting changes for Ice Fishing Tournaments and demand from fishermen that didn’t get in the first day when it was limited to 90,  We are going to be able to allow more entrants for the Lybacks/TWP Tournament on Feb 22nd.  Those interested can call tomorrow after 12:00 noon and sign up. We are going to let those that missed the deadline sign up, but are not going to go to 150 like last year.  So call ASAP tomorrow after 12:00 noon.  Once again Cindy and I Thank all of You!!

Keep a Tight Line!!
