January 5th, 2020

Yesterday we had 30 groups of anglers out portabling.  Most reports were of pretty good fishing.  For some it was slow.  Most Walleyes were under the slot. Some pictures of “keepers” were sent in and a couple 25″ or better were also C/R.  A lot of anglers went out to the Banana and fished the deeper edges and some seen a lot of Walleye on the camera’s but they were not interested.  Even a few Tullibee were sighted.

I cleaned up the GraveYard Reef Road and entrances to other branch roads in prep for the wind today and tonight.  Fortunately  we received some drizzle early this am. and it should help prevent the snow from drifting.  But if we get 35-40 mph winds like predicted I’m sure something will move…

My plan for this week if the weather gets cold enough is to establish areas in close where the slush is. ( hoping it will freeze up in the next couple days.)  Start to get some rentals out for the next weekend, and if the weather stays cold start getting some smaller privates out as conditions improve.  More than likely there will be no vehicle traffic except mini-SUV’s and vehicles of that class.  NO 1/2 ton rated trucks at all. There is still areas out there with only 8-9 inches of ice. It will all depend on what cold weather we have.  With the temps the way they have been the only ice that is being made is from slush freezing on the top.  We will need alot more cold weather  than we have had to start the freezing process below.

Ice conditions vary all around the lake, some areas are better than others.  What I do here is because of conditions we have and what I feel comfortable with, and do not speak for others around the lake.  You should always check with the resort in the area you plan to fish.  They know what’s going on in front of them, and everyone has a different plan..

Keep a Tight Line!      Eddy