January 6th, 2020

Sunday only a few fishermen showed up and with the wind that started by about 10:00 am they didn’t stay out there too long.  One stayed until late afternoon when the wind started to let up. The bite was good early and then when the wind started they quit.

I’m hoping the roads I had established held up ok.   The snow was drifting pretty good out there for awhile. I will find out this morning after sun up.

As the season is getting delayed more due to the weather, people are starting to push it.  Everyone is wondering about driving or pulling a wheelhouse. Many do not understand that while they might have been fishing on spot that had 14 inches of ice that fifty yards away there might only be 8 inches. I heard numerous reports of that Saturday when fishermen were moving from spot to spot.   So the answer will be no.  Not until I have established roads that had good ice under them and the colder weather  makes more ice.

(Read Saturday’s report for what I will be doing this week)

Keep a Tight Line!     Eddy