October 12th,2018

It’s that time of year again!  We sent out letters and contracts after Labor Day to our storage customers and they are getting back to us and registering for the upcoming season.

Next week the cleaning and maintenance of the rentals will be starting and hopefully will be mostly wrapped up before mid November. Trucks will be right behind it with preseason maintenance.  Not much to do this year so things should go fairly well.

It also is looking likely a “harvest” of some type will be starting this winter and following thru next summer.  Finally…. Despite the “political correctness” and negative phrasing the GLIFWC and DNR use to say the Walleyes are struggling, but recovering, there will be no denial now that the Walleyes have recovered to almost original population numbers estimated years ago.  And anything said differently will be definitely refuted by anglers that have fished Mille Lacs this past summer.  Baitfish are back, Walleyes are healthy, there are alot of different sizes, which transfer to different year classes.  Zebra Mussels are not seeming to have the effect predicted, (and used as an excuse for the decline) as was hyped earlier.  Rumors were even floating around the the PH balance of the lake was back to what it used to be years ago..

I think the issue will be whether it a one or two/person harvest.. A harvest slot, or protected slot…  we’ll see how the “politics” of the management works out.  With our “so-called” penalties for overages the past two years wiped off the slate this year by being way under harvest quotas, I wonder if we will have a extra bonus amount?…..haha.  If there is even a hint of catch and release it will be only because of political pressure by the Bands to the State..

Speaking of politics. I would suggest that if you want the State to stick up for it’s anglers and go to court for future “treaty” harvest issues brewing in the northern half of the State.  You might want to vote for Jeff Johnson for Governor and Doug Wardlow for Attorney General. If it goes the other way, it’s all over but the cryin….seriously.

Keep a Tight Line and VOTE!!
